Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When you was a yiddle gurl yike me?

For the past week and 1/2, when Makenzie is telling stories, she always says "When you was a yiddle gurl yike me Mommy, did you do dat?" Or "Daddy did dat when he was a yiddle boy." Or "When I was a yiddle baby I did dat." She has been doing that A LOT. Some of her references she is just making up to be silly. She has a great imagination. Sometimes she tries to use that reference to get herself out of trouble. Ex: "But, but, but... You did dat when you was a yiddle gurl." She is too smart for her own good.
Below are a few pictures of Makenzie laying on the couch. Daddy worked late last night then had a baseball meeting, so it was just us two girls. We watched John and Kate plus eight and had lasagna for dinner. She loves watching the Gossling kids. She wants to "go bisit dem" one day.