Friday, September 18, 2009

Charles County Fair 2009

Last night Makenzie and I headed to the fair. This is her first year of riding the rides. We arrived around 4 pm, the rides were not open yet so we went and checked out the animals. At 5 pm we got in the ticket line and got a wrist band (unlimited rides). She got on her first ride and I wish, I REALLY wish I had a video camera. The smile on her face was so big. It was a smile of excitement. I am so glad I was there to see the excitement on her face. Her FIRST ride. You know that feeling you get in your stomach when the ride takes off. Her smile said it all. It was love at first ride. After that, the sky was the limit. I even had to explain to her on a few rides that she was too short this year to ride. She wasn't scared of anything!
This was her first ride. You can kind of see the smile on her face. The camera didn't do it justice.
Roller Coaster
Getting locked in
Dumbo ride
Flying high

Monday, September 14, 2009

First Dentist Appointment

And yet another mile stone in Makenzie's very short life. She went to the Dentist today. The Dentist says her teeth look GREAT and Makenzie has been doing a great job brushing her teeth. She was sent home with lots of goodies. Probably more goodies than any child has ever left there with. We knew someone on the "inside". Aunt Karen works for Dr. Olsen. Makenzie was a little afraid at first when Daddy told her about the Dentist in the morning but when it was time to leave the Dentist office, she didn't want to go.
Here are a few pics from the Dentist visit:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

Katie and Kenzie at school. Wearing their 9/11 remembrance shirts.
Today is a day in remembrance of the lives that were taken by hateful American Terrorists. 8 years ago America was struck by horrific tragedy. I know I will never forget that day as long as I live. Where I was, what I was doing, who was with me. The painful memory will be forever embedded into my head. Thankfully, I am still here today to post this blog in remembrance. I am praying for the families of those who lost their loved ones. I am praying for our heroic American Soldiers who are protecting us still today. I also pray that Makenzie will never have to live through a horrible experience such as 9/11. She does not yet understand the events that took place that day, but I know when she does, she will be empathetic to those who lost their lives and proud of our Soldiers who are protecting us just as I do today.
God Bless America!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Farewell Dinner for Megan Davey

Last night Oma, Papa, Uncle Steven, Jamie, Makenzie and I went to Loreado's in White Plains to have dinner with the Davey's to say goodbye to Megan. She accepted a job in sunny California and is leaving this afternoon. I am SO excited for her. She is very intelligent and worldly. I know she will fit right in and do great things in CA. We are going to miss her.
Steven and Jamie arrived home yesterday afternoon around 2 pm from South Carolina. I know they are sad to move back, but we are so glad to have them back. Makenzie is VERY excited to have him home. He is taking her to school today and she is so excited to show him her school, class, teacher and friends.
Speaking of school, Makenzie has show and tell today. How cute is that? Her first show and tell! She decided to take her "Taylor Swift Doll" that Mandy, Chris, Taylor, Gracie, and Kolten Dudley gave her for her birthday. She even slept with the doll last night. I want so badly to go and record it. I HATE to miss her first show and tell. Well, I hate to miss her first anything actually. I realize I can't follow her around with a recorder every where. I need to let her be a big girl. I wonder what she will say??? I know it will be so cute. Taylor Swift is her FAVORITE! She knows all the songs and even has a T-Shirt. Now to top the collection off, a doll.
Yesterday I picked her up from school and she was on the play ground. I was so excited to see her and take her home. She, on the other hand, did not want to leave school, at all!! Once I got her to leave the play ground we walked to the school to get her things. She said "No, No Mommy!!! You HAVE to walk on the yellow lines, like dis..." and she showed me how to walk the yellow line to school. I followed behind her. She got a LONG drink of water for the water fountain. As we were walking to her class there was a little boy sitting outside his class, an OLDER class (I think he may have been in "time out"). As Makenzie walked by he said "Hey Makenzie"! Makenzie said "Hey". I thought it was so funny and asked Makenzie what his name was and if that was her "boyfriend". She told me "I don't know him's name and I don't want no boyfriend." I am very glad to hear "no boyfriends". LOL Uncle Steven told her last night "No boyfriends until you are in College." Between Jared, Steven and Pappy, I feel sorry for Makenzie's, very FAR in the future, boyfriends.
Makenzie's teacher, Ms. Debbie, said Makenzie is doing very well. She made two beautiful pictures yesterday during crafts. I am so thankful she likes school.
Here are a few pictures at dinner last night.
Kenzie up-side-down with Uncle Steven Makenzie and Lilly
(Lilly is Lauren Mullinax-Sandfords daughter. A good friend from school) Makenzie, Lilly, and Megan's twin cousins playing

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School/ "Pre" Pre-K.

Makenzie's First School Michael-Wayne Wood. I was happy to see Makenzie's Cousin's attend school with her. He is SO cute!!!Makenzie in Class. This is the point when tears started.
Mimi talking to Makenzie's teacher, Ms. Williams
Kenzie's birthday chart. She shares the month with her cousin Hannah. Hannah is in Makenize's class. That was exciting to see!!!!
Hannah's name tag at her seat (same class as Makenzie).
Makenzie, putting her lunch in the fridge
Kenz, checking out her class
Makenzie's seat
Makenzie's cubby
Standing by her cubby
Mimi and Kenzie
Papa, Oma, and Kenzie
Daddy, Kenz, and Mommy
Mommy and Kenzie
Daddy and Kenzie
"dis thing is heby"
All of her school stuff
Mimi giving Kenzie the blanket she made for nap time.
Her Ba-bee backpack
Where has the time gone? Did I really have to wake my sleeping baby this morning to get up and get ready for school? I cannot even believe it!!
Kenzie was not happy about having to get up at 7:30 am, but she did it. We got dressed in a new outfit Katie gave her for her birthday. She wore it with her "rock-star" flip-flops (as she calls them). They have stars on them and they are purple. I put her hair in a half french braid. She had a cup of milk for breakfast and a chocolate donut. We were going for powder donuts but she changed her mind last minute and decided on Chocolate. We made our way to Grace Baptist Church in Bryans Road where Kenzie will attend school. There, waited Daddy, Mimi, Oma, and Papa for a "first day of school" photo Op.
She had her Barbie book bag Kelly got her for her birthday (she received a lot of nice things for her birthday if you haven't noticed), her Dora lunch pale Uncle Greg and Aunt Becky gave her, and a pillow and blanket for nap time that Mimi hand made from some of Makenzie's Great Grandmother Wood (Me-Maw's) items. It is VERY special and I know Makenzie will charish it. It looks so comfy, I wanted to curl up with it. Inside of the home made blanket was Makenzie favorite blanket as a baby. I know she felt right at home during nap time.
Makenzie was not shy or sad to be left at all. I had to hunt her down for a kiss good bye. Not one tear out of her. Now as for me... I was sobbing. Not that I wasn't happy for her to have a new experience, but... you know what I mean. Just yesterday I was bottle feeding her, holding her little tiny body in my arms, rocking her to sleep, and now she has class, with a teacher, her name plate at a desk, packed lunch, book bag on her back. It is just A LOT to take in. Not to mention she has been in VERY good hands the past three years. Thanks to the special care and love of Mimi and Papa (thank you would NEVER be enough to express the gratitude Jared and I have for the two of you, but THANKS, SO MUCH!!) I know she is in good hands now with Ms. Williams, but there is NOTHING like leaving your child with a grandparent (if you have to leave at all). Thank goodness for sunglasses, as you will see in the pictures above. It helps cover the tears. It was a bitter sweet yet special day.

Nags Head 2009 - We are back!!

This year's Nags Head vacation came and went. As I had mentioned, this is Kenzie's 4th year going. She has been on our annual vacation every year since she was four days old. Every year, I watch as she enjoys Nags Head/Beach/Vacation more and more. This year she did a little more in the ocean. She had a few "wipe outs", as she would call them. She would get up and get back out there. She made small sand castles. She loved making them but more so loved smashing them. She flew a kite for the first time and it was REALLY high. She did well. We stayed out on the beach until 9 pm one night and did glow sticks with Katie. She met a new dog, Beau (Mike Robey's dog). She LOVED him!!! She held a sand crab. She and Katie went "jelly fish hunting" and made up a very cool song to sing while finding them. It goes (if I can remember correctly):
"Hey Mr. Jellyfish, come out of the ocean. I got your baby, come find him"
It was VERY cute! She loved singing it.
She also made up two invisible dogs. One was a boy and one a girl. They came to the beach with us every day, dressed in their "baden-soups" (bathing suits). One dogs name was Melissa. ; )
She swam all by herself in the pool (with the help of swimmies).
Bill hit one day and the adults went bowling. Daniel was on his way, so I decided to leave after dinner Friday night. Kenzie slept the whole way home. We got back about 2:30 am, Saturday morning. I just wanted to be on the safe side. Also, I did not want to sit in evacuation traffic.
We had a really great time, as usual, and cant wait until next year!!
Katie and Kenzie
Guess who is flying this kite???? KENZIE!!! All by herself!!!
Running? I guess? LOL
Diva! I have no idea? She did this on her own. LOL Too bad there was no scope guy!!!
Brave girl. Probably right before a "wipe out".
Washing off her hands
Kenzie's foot print
Chasing Seaguls. She wanted to hold one SO bad. She would yell "it's awe-white, I won't hut you"
This bathing suite is adorable! She had her scoop. She was giving out, fake, crabby patties and icecream to everyone. She would also make birthday cakes out of sand and then sing "Happy Birthday"to chosen person.
Off to make more icecream
Sun in the eyes
Her little chair. So cute!
Running to the Ocean
Kenzie and I, jumping the waves
Sand Castles
Kate and Kenzie
Kenzie, Katie, Lorri, Oma, and MommyEvery year, we pick a them for our Nags Head crew and wear matching shirts. Past years consisted of... tie dye, animal print, sports teams, TV shows, Funny sayings, etc. This years theam was "Mad Gab". One of my favorite board games. This is a picture of Kenzie and Jenna. They had the same shirt. Can you guess what it says?
Silly girl, watching TV before bed
Mommy, Uncle Steven, Kate, Ryan, and Kenzie
Kenzie picture. She does VERY well. She took a picture of Jenna and I.
Autumn and KenzieReading before dinner
She loves Uncle Steven AND being silly!
Still don't know what her shirt says???? "Rotten to the core"Playing her "bataur" Uncle Steven and Jamie got her for her birthday. She loves to play the guitar

So, as you can see; good times!!! We are excited for OBX 2010!! Minus hurricanes, please!!