Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving...

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.  We went to my Aunt Becky and Uncle Greg's this year.  I only managed to snap one shot the whole day.  Kenzie was watching Veggie Tales with Josh and Jessica.  She didn't want me to take the picture at all, but I did anyway. 

She said she was wearing clothes just like Taylor Swift that day, the head band too.  She says she wants to change her name to Taylor Swift also.  :)

O' Christmas Tree...

Last week Kenzie and I put up the tree... This is what it looked like:

Our first tree in our new home.  So exciting.  I think it turned out ok. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sloppy Joes

I have finally found something Makenzie REALLY enjoys (besides spinach and sweets).  She pretty particular about her food.  There are lots of days where its hard to get her to eat much.  Anything I see that she really enjoys, I stock up on.  Like fish sticks... she loves fish sticks and mac-n-cheese.  I tried Sloppy Joe's the other day and she LOVED it.

Then later that night....

No matter how old they get.  Its so nice to watch her sleep such peacefulness.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween's Past...

Look at this beautiful baby turn into a beautiful little girl.  I cannot believe it's been five Halloweens (she was 3 months old her first Halloween).

3 months
1 years old (I think she looks SO much like Steven in this picture)
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old

She has grown SO much. A little more sassy every year. ha ha

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Weekend...

Friday Makenzie had a parade at her school.  This is a picture prior to the parade.  I'll add more later there on my camera.
Mimi hand made this costume for Kenzie

Saturday was her last soccer game.  Though she wouldn't play in the games, she went and cheered her team on.  I plan on practicing with her this winter/spring/summer and maybe she will feel more comfortable next fall.  She will play t-ball in the spring.

After Kenzie's soccer game Mandy and I took the kids over to the Fall Festival on Marsh Hall Road.  Kelly's company was throwing it as a kick off for the neighborhood she is selling homes in.  It was a good time!  Kenzie won the costume contest.
 Kenzie and Pinch from the blue crabs.  The person in the pinch costume is my cousin Josh Cockerham. :)

Sunday we headed to Marbury Baptist for Trunk or Treat.  Since my kitchen almost caught fire, I had to run home and didn't get many pictures.  The microwave blew up.  Everyone and everything is ok accept for the microwave that is DUNZO.  Thank God for insurance.  :)  It was a good weekend other than that.  These are the few pictures I got on Halloween.