Monday, March 16, 2009

Dinner with the Krikstan's

Jared and Cody have taking a liking to grilling oysters. This is the second weekend in a row we have had dinner with the Krikstan's. We LOVE seeing Bailey, so bring on the oysters!! It seems like every week Bailey is doing something new! I remember those days with Makenzie. This week Bailey was dancing. I took video of Makenzie and Bailey dancing. Also, we were doing "high fives" and "CHEESE". Bailey is GREAT a smiling SO big when we say "cheese". Every time I would say "cheese" Bailey would turn around, look at me and start smiling. LOL Makenzie is "so over" taking pictures. She looks away before I can even snap the picture. I guess I take too many. Anyway, Mandi let Makenzie feed Bailey. Makenzie loved doing it, though Makenzie needs a little more practice. Bailey grabbed the spoon twice (saying "Makenzie, give me that food") I think Makenzie will be a GREAT sister one day and she thinks so too. : )
Bailey and Makenzie (a little blurry but the only one I have with them both looking...LOL)
"High five Bailey" Cheese!
I think she looks like her Aunt Danielle in this picture!Dinner time for Bailey