Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mommy's Birthday Weekend...

What a wonderful, fun filled weekend.  Saturday we went on a egg hunt at Marbury Baptist, then headed over to my house to work on it.  Sunday, we celebrated my 28th birthday.  Mom and Dad made Steak, potatoes and Spinach (my favorite).  Makenzie ate TWO helpings of Spinach.  She loves it!  Every time I make dinner she will say "Mommy, can I have some spinach?"  Needless to say, I will have stock when I move into my house. 
I will let the photo's speak for themselves regarding this weekends fun:
Her Cupcake, that she wanted to eat BEFORE lunch.  She did finish her hot dog before I let her dig in...


After lunch, the children went outside for an egg hunt...
This is pre-egg hunt.  The Easter Bunny left Makenzie an early gift so she could collect eggs.  He will bring more to add to this bucket....  We called him and told him specifically what Makenzie would like him to bring. She told him he could find it in Lowes.  (it's sad... we are in Lowes so much, Makenzie is finding things she wants also).
Kenzie and I

Headed out and Egg hunting....
Makenzie got 11 eggs total.  She did very well and Kenz and Grace were very nice when one (not so nice) little girl would steal the eggs they were going for, on time she screamed at them.  You can see her in action grabbing in he pink hoodie . lol. Kenz and Grace would just walk away to the next egg they paid no attention to her.  Carter was nice with the egg that he got.  He was going to put it in Makenzie's basket.  : )  It was a nice day and a really nice time.  After the egg hunt, we headed to my house to continue work. 
This is my bathroom (work in progress).  Also, you know who the last person to use the toilet was?  Me either but I do know it was a male!!!
This is Makenzie's room.  The hard wood floors still need to be refinished.  Chris Dudley is going to finish them next weekend (hopefully). 
This will be either my bedroom or the guest bedroom.  Not sure which yet, since I am putting a master bedroom in the house.
This is the enterance way to all three rooms, from the living room.
The Kitchen, in shambles.  Kenny and Steven measuring to lay the tile
Makenzie measuring to lay tile down
And then Kenzie and Uncle Steven started to dance...
After the durock was laid (PROGRESS PEOPLE! YAY!)
Special "THANKS" to my durock layer
And a special thanks to ALL my helpers.  ; )
Saturday night on the way home I stopped at a ROCKIN' party. ; )  The neighbors were having a party for D-Bail's and I snaped one photo, which we sent to Ang to try to talk her into coming. LOL

Sunday we celebrated my birthday after Church... It was so nice!
The family...
Birthday Girl (Photo by Makenzie)
Momma, preparing...
The photographer
Opening presents (Kenzie picture)
Sunday night, we colored Easter Eggs (or should I say tried).  While dying the eggs.  I told Makenzie to put the eggs in the dye carefully.  She said "Ok, so dem eggs are gonna die when I put them in dare?"  Try explaining to a three year old that die and dye mean two TOTALLY different things.  It can get complicating. Makenzie played with them all night and even took them into the bath tub. 
While she is in the bath tub, if I have to walk away I will yell her name to make sure her head is above water.  I yelled "Kenzie?"  She yelled back "Mommy, I am okay!!!  Stop treating me like a children."  Sometimes, I cannot believe my ears. 


The Vathes Family said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Karen =)

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Thanks Lindsay! ; )

Caleb's mom said...

Happy Birthday! I kept meaning to tell you that! I remembered the date ever since Mr. Mazzeos class in 7th grade I think..

Caleb's mom said...

By the way, house is looking great, and we both just got the same new tub set! looks nice!

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Thanks Elaine! Yes, it was 7th grade, Mr. Mazzeo. 13 years ago. LOL

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday that just passed! That was not cool the little girl stealing eggs but the sad part about ours were over competitive parents were actually grabbing eggs out from under Bradley and Sophias grasp. Thats why I was mortified they helped!

The Marsh's said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! You crack me up when you write about the things Makenzie says, I literally laugh out loud :-)

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

She is a trip, Brandy. You wait... They pick up on everything and use it against you. ha ha

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Happy Birthday love :) I hope you had a good one! I wish I could've came over Saturday night too, you girls looked like you had so much fun!!! I love the Easter Egg hunt pictures! Kenzie is getting so big, I can't believe it!! && the house is coming along beautiful, can't wait for that housewarming partayyy ;) haha! xo love you!