Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St.Patty's Day!  I wish I had a picture of Kenz and how cute she looked today.  All dressed in her St.Patrick's Day shirt.  Unfortunatly I leave at 4:50 am and Kenzie is sound asleep and Papa has no idea how to work a camera phone much less forward the picture to me.  Hey, he tried... or at least he said he did.  I was seriously tempted to call the school and ask if someone could take a picture with their camera phone and send it to me so I could post it.  I figured that may be a little over the top.  Since she is staying with her Dad tonight, I even thought about having Diana send me a picture when she picks up Bryce. LOL 

Slowly but surely we are making progress on our house.  I am trying to line people up to do different things that we just don't know how to do.  That ties things up in progress.  I have decided to install another bathroom.  Mom and I have been picking out things for that.  Well, Mom has been picking them out.  She is so good with that stuff. I am not so good.  I can't wait to see the house finished.  Then... on to yard work.  The outside needs cleaning up too.  I need to put a whole new fence up.  CJ and Steven are going to cut down trees and limbs for me.  There is just so much to do, my head is spinning.  I want it perfect though.  I know myself, I won't stop until it is.

Hope everyone has a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!!!

(03/18/10): Special thanks to Diana for snaping these photos of my little ham yesterday.  Better late than never. ; )


Diana said...

Karen I will SO take a picture of Kenz today when I get there to get Bryce. Usually when Jared picks her up we get there right around the same time. If I get see her, I will DEF take a pic for ya :)

The Marsh's said...

Awww, try not to stress, it will all get done one way or another, and you'll be SO happy once it is!

Patty B said...

Just make lots of really organized lists- it helps your head not spin so much! When you know it's written down, you don't have to repeat it in your head 100 times!