Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lots of Church this weekend; Valentines Day...

Makenzie and I tried out two new Churches this weekend.  Saturday night, we went with my friend Angie Strickland-King to New Life.  I absolutely loved the sermon.  I took Makenzie to class first.  She took a few "comfort" toys with her.  As soon as she walked into the room a little girl walked up to her and wanted to see her toys.  Makenzie was sharing.  I was yelling "Bye Kenzie, see you later."  She wasn't worried about me leaving at all.  After service, I picked her up from her class.  She and the same little girl she was sharing her toys with at the beginning of class gave each other a BIG hug good-bye.  Instant friends.  Makenzie is so good at making friends. 
On Sunday, we went with Jaimie Howells-Nelson to South Potomac which we also loved.  We are going back next Sunday.  My friend Sam Knott and her son Devin are supposed to join us.  I am excited about that too.

After Church we joined the whole family at Outback where we had lunch.  You wouldn't believe all of the presents Makenzie got for V-Day.  It was almost like Christmas all over again.  One thing that she got (which has become one of her favorite things next to stickers and chapstick) is those slimy sticker things that you put on your window during the holidays.  Her Sunday school teacher go them for her.  She got one from them at Christmas time also (a snowman).  You would have thought she hit the jackpot.  She STILL plays with that slimy window sticker snowman.  So, since her Sunday School teacher knew how much Kenz loved the window stickers, they got her Valentines day ones.  They cost $0.99 and they are her favorite.


Diana said...

How cute that she makes friends so easily! I bet that is SUCH a relief on you! She's so sweet!!

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

I LOVED New Life when I went too! It was a while ago, but the pastor was young and spoke so good! Glad you guys had fun & Makenzie made new friends :) She is so outgoing!!