Friday, April 2, 2010

Baby Ethan Murphy...

I received a message from Kelly this morning that she was headed to the hospital. SHE'S IN LABOR!!! Yesterday she had a Doctors appointment and he told her she was 1 1/2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced. The doctor stretched her to 3 centimeters and put a jelly in to keep her cervixs moving on up to 10 centimeters.  Well, that seemed to work b/c she is in the hospital now in lots of pain (all of us Mom's know that feeling). 

As of 6:10 am Kelly is still 3 centimeters dilated but %100 effaced.  * For anyone reading this that has no clue what dilated or effaced means:  Dilation is measured in centimeters, from 0-10.  Once your cervix is fully dilated to 10 centimeters, you are ready to start pushing.  Effacement is measured in percent.  When your cervix is normal, it is considered to be 0% effaced.  When you're at 50% effaced, your cervix is half its original thickness.  When your cervix is 100% effaced it is completely thinned out and you are ready for delivery.  So, baby Ethan will be here soon. 

I plan to drive up after work if she is in a position for visitors.  If not, I'll go tomorrow.  I am so excited for my very best friend and her husband Shawn as they welcome their first child into this world.  Hang in their Kell, all that pain will seem like a distant memory soon.  It is well worth it!! Can't wait to meet you Ethan!!!!

Here is Kelly at 38 weeks (in case you don't follow her blog).  As you can see, she was ready to go.  She is a super cute though! Don't you agree? : )

Hopefully things will move along quickly for Kelly and she will have Ethan today.  Please keep Kelly and Ethan in your prayers today for a safe delivery and a very healthy baby boy. 
Love you Kell!!!


Mandi said...

Super cute! So happy for her, keep us updated! :)

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

I hope her delivery goes quick and easy!!!! Please keep us updated on how she & baby are doing :)

The Murphy's said...

Thanks Karen!!! love it. Now its time for mommy to update, im so behind