Monday, January 25, 2010

Christmas Pictures which are LONG overdue…


We were all sleeping Christmas morning (or so I thought we all were sleeping) and I wake up to “OH MY GOODNESS, he brought me my Dora Doll House!!!!”  So yes, I missed her surprised face on camera.  I was so upset.  But she was so excited to see what Santa brought her, she ran downstairs without letting anyone know. 

Makenzie asked Santa multiple times for a Dora Doll house this Christmas… Guess what?  She got it.  She was such a good girl this year.  Actually, she has been every year.  I am so proud of her.


Here are some pictures from Christmas, Christmas Eve, Snow of 2009, and Makenzie Christmas play at school…

Christmas 2009  117 124 118Christmas Outfit116 115

        114 103What Santa Brought…102104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113   Christmas Eve…083088086 089 090 091 085099092087 093 094 096 097 098101 084Christmas Eve Dress

073 074 075 076 072

001 Christmas Play at Grace Baptist002 004 005 006