Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Makenzie is learning so much so fast. I feel, sometimes, that she is more on the level of a four year old rather than 2 1/2. Thursday January 1, 2009 we had dinner at Granny and Grandpa's like we do every year on the first. There were 13 stockings hung on the chimney and Makenzie went right up and found her stocking with no one telling or pointing her in the right direction. She recognized her name and went and picked it out. We were at Ledo's on Friday January 2, 2009 having lunch with Mandi and Bailey Krikstan. Makenzie leaned over to me and said "Mommy, you and me best friends". I thought it was SO sweet. She has no idea how much that means to me. We went to Sukura on Saturday night and she ate Sushi. She enjoyed it at Sukura very much. We met Autumn and Jessie there. It was very entertaining for Makenzie to watch the chef come out and cook right in front of us. Sunday I woke up with Strep throat and she has worked very hard in her kitchen cooking me meals and taking care of me. We still are having problems with potty training. She did come to us and tell us she had to pee on Thursday afternoon, but other than that we have had to stay on her or she will sneak an go in her pull up.