Friday, March 5, 2010

RIP Uncle George.... Hello Indian Head

It has been a very hectic week.  We found out last Friday that Uncle George had passed away (Grandpa's Brother).  After suffering for many months, he went to be with the Lord and those we miss so much.  It is sad b/c now there is another family member missing.  It is also a blessing b/c he gets to be with Jesus.  Makenzie didn't take it very well.  She cried for the whole first hour of the viewing.  She walked up to the casket and looked.  She didn't quite understand.  She asked me to explain.  I told her Uncle George went to Heaven.  She asked lots of questions, like:  "Can you talk in Heaven?  Can you bring your toys to Heaven?  Does Uncle George have shoes on?"  After awhile she was ok.  She couldn't grasp that he was laying there, but wasn't really there.  So, she asked me if she could go to the burial so she could watch him go to Heaven.  I didn't want her to go to the funeral b/c the viewing was just too much.  I thought it would be better for her to go to school.  Wednesday was the funeral.  It was hard to say good-bye, but he is so much better off now. 

This is Uncle George.  For those of you who know my Grandfather, isn't it crazy how much they look alike?  It's funny b/c in their younger years, they look nothing alike. 

On a better note, I am leaving work in 30 minutes to head to Re-max.  I am FINALLY going to settlement today (for sure this time).  A very special thanks to PaPa (Dad).  With out him, none of this would have been possible.  He stayed on top of everyone to make sure this went a smooth as possible for me.  I am very grateful for all you did, Dad.  You're the best.  Anyone who gets you as a Realtor in the future should consider themselves very lucky!!  I am figuring it will probably take a little over a month to fix up the house.  I have lots of wonderful friends and family to help.  I am hoping to be an official Indian Head resident by mid April.  I am very excited, overwhelmed, and scared.  This is such a major accomplishment and comes with a lot more responsibility.  I am ready though, very ready.  I can't wait for Makenzie to help decorate her new room.  We already bought a new bed room set for her.  I will take pictures and post soon. 

Sorry for lack of pictures.  Like I said, things have been super busy.

I look forward to seeing all of my fellow blogger Mom's on Tuesday!  : )


Caleb's mom said...

awww, he does look like your grandfather. I'm sorry. Caleb has been asking me the same questions about Heaven. It's heartbreaking. I'm so excited about your house!

Patty B said...

Congratulations on the house! Sorry about your uncle :(

Mandi said...

Congrats Karen, so proud of you! Can't wait to help you with the new house.

The Vathes Family said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Karen. I can only imagine how hard it was to try and explain something like that to Makenzie =(
That's great news about your new home though. Indian Head is a great place to live ;-) Where exactly are you going to be? Nick and I live right off Indian Head Ave. on Woodsome Dr.