Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slowly but Surely...

I picked Kenz up from School yesterday.  She was being funny and pretending like she didn't see me.  All the kids in her class were yelling "Makenzie your Mom's here!!!"  She just kept licking the icing off her cookies and smiling, acting like she couldn't hear anyone.  She likes to joke around with me.

We headed down to our new house to meet a plumber.  Since we are putting in another bathroom, I need a plumber.  That is now in the works. I also met with someone last weekend to re-finish my hardwood.  I bought kitchen flooring and back splash for my kitchen (the tiles that go on the wall).  Hopefully a lot more will get done this weekend.  Kenzie and I played dominos and had a tea party while Papa talked with the plumber.  The plumber's name was Jerry.  Makenzie made a joke when he said his name.  She said "dat's funny! Just like Tom & Jeh-wee."  LOL  She cracks me up.

We had Bible Study last night, but she decided not to go and stay with Papa and play outside.  So, I went by myself.  By the time I got home, it was time for bed. She had her bath and was in her pj's. So, we turned on.... Tom & Jerry, lol, her favorite.  There is only a wall between her room and mine.  I can hear her laughing so hard at that cartoon.  I love hearing her laugh, it makes me laugh.  


The Marsh's said...

Haha, your stories about Makenzie make me laugh!

The Vathes Family said...

LOL I agree with Brandy, your little girl is too funny!!

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Thanks girls. ; ) Can't wait until you see her in action at our blogger bash.