Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Little Painter...

Yesterday, after work, I picked up Kenzie from school.  We headed over to the house to start cleaning up the walls and wiping eveything down so Dad could start painting tomorrow.  I also scrubbed and disinfected the kitchen.  We cleaned out all of the trash and leftover junk the previous homeowner left.  I also opened up all the windows to let the house air out. I realized yesterday, there is SO much more to be done than I thought. We are going to take our time and do it right.  I don't want to rush. 

Makenzie was so excited to paint and Dad was so excited to let her paint.  Dad went out and bought a mini roller.  He grabbed a small can of whatever paint he laid his eyes on first, which happened to be hot pink.  This will not be the color of Kenzie's room.  And Dad has A LOT more primer to paint on these walls now than he did before yesterday.  He just wanted her to be able to paint.  She had fun and that is all that matters. 
Here are some pictures...

Last night Makenzie woke up crying.  I asked her what was wrong.  She said "I got tape in my hair."  I couldn't imagine how she could get tape in her hair but her hair was clearly sticking to her pajamas.  After further inspection... it was GUM!  Yes, she got up after I put her to bed, got into her candy drawer (which  isn't aloud into with out asking) and put a piece of gum in her mouth.  She fell asleep and out came the gum into her hair.  So, I had to brush it and ended up having to cut a few strands.  It hurt her head for me to have to try and brush it out.  She learned her lesson.  She told me she wasn't going to chew gum before bed again. 
It's funny thinking back to the first time I got gum in my hair.  Sometimes I laugh to myself watching her go through some things and remembering back to going through the same experiences.


The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

OMG, I remember when got gum in my hair!! haha!! I cannot wait to see your new house!! Congrats again :) If you need any help with ANYTHING, you know who to call, lol!!

Diana said...

CONGRATS on the house Momma :) How exciting!!!!

The Murphy's said...

That is so funny! Im sure its hard not to laugh or even punish. When you know you have been there.She is growing up so fast