Monday, February 22, 2010

Phone Calls...

Normally, I cannot get Makenzie to talk on the phone to anyone.  When I ask her "Kenzie, do you want to talk to ______?"  She always replies with "No, Thank You."  (Jared said one day "Well, at least she is polite about it." ha ha) If I could get her to talk to someone on the phone, it would be for about 5 seconds flat and then she would say "Ok, talk to Mommy." throw the phone down and run.  However, lately, she has had some lengthy conversations on the phone.  The other day she called me at work and would NOT let me off the phone.  I didn't mind one bit b/c I love hearing her voice and the cute funny way she talks.  I was just antisipating the whole time, from past expereinces, when was she going to throw that phone down and run.  It never happened.  She will talk to almost anyone now for a long time.  When she comes to a point in the conversation where she can't think of something else to say, she will say: "Ummmmm,  hmmmmm, what else?, ummmmm... and if she has to make up something just to keep talking at that point, she will.  I didn't think she was going to be one of those girls who would gab on the phone for hours.  In one whole week she has me wondering.

Makenzie IS extremely polite and kind.  She is a very sweet girl and it is rare that I go somewhere and someone doesn't comment on how well behaved and sweet she is. 
The way she randomly hugs someone, it could be someone she doesnt even know.  I can tell by the smile on their face afterward they probably needed that hug.  Or when we are out in public, she will just look at a stranger and tell them about her day or something great she has accomplished.  The stranger will look at me and say something like "Well isn't she just so sweet?"  Or the way she sings her church songs in the grocery store and the older ladies will just stop, smile and listen.  It makes their day to hear her singing. 
Not only is she blessing mine and our families/friends life but complete strangers too.  I have said it one million times and will say it a million times more.  She is a joy and I am so blessed to have her, so fortunate she is mine.  : )


Diana said...

Bryce HATES to talk on the phone! I hope he lightens up on it like Kenz did ;)

The Marsh's said...

Awww that is so sweet that she sings her Church songs out in the open! I bet the old ladies eat it up :) (I wonder what they'd think if she busted out Pants On the Ground!) haha

The Vathes Family said...

LOL this was hilarious, she is too cute/funny!!!!!!

The Murphy's said...

That is so cute,I cant wait for those days :)