Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another Big Snow Fall

This weekend we there was another big snow fall.  We got a pretty significant amount.  It covered everything pretty fast.  It started Saturday morning before I woke up.  I woke up to Makenzie screaming that it was snowing around 8 am.  She was so excited she wanted to put her snow clothes on that very instant.  Later Saturday night we went to play with Gracie and Taylor Dudley.  The snow was still coming down strong when I went to bed around 1 am Sunday morning.  Sunday school was canceled but church service was not. I had nursery that morning.  I only had Makenzie, Gracie, and Taylor (they wanted to come to church with Kenzie and I).  Later that day after lunch Taylor, Gracie and Kolten came over to sleigh ride down the hill behind Oma and Papa's house.  Uncle Steven, Mandy and Chris took the kids out.  I stayed back and watched baby Kolten.  It is quite a walk back to the big hill. 

I remember going down that hill as a kid when Suzanne (Bailey's Nana) baby-sat us.  Me, Steven, Mandi, Brandi, Danielle, and Heather (poor Steven, no boys. LOL) used to ride that hill for hours.  It is so neat Makenzie gets to ride that same hill.  She came back all smiles and said she had so much fun, all sweaty from walking up that hill.  Just like I used to remember being. 

Makenzie is such a joy and I feel so truely blessed.  There isn't a time I go somewhere that people don't say how well behaved she is and what great manners she portrays.  She has great manners, sometimes when I forget, she reminds me.  Example:  This weekend she brought me something.  I took it from her hands and she said "Mommy, now what do you say?  What are you supposed to say?  You are supposed to say thank-you, now aren't you?  Say thank you Mommy!"  Of course I do but I am laughing so hard.  She is 3 going on 23.  The things she is saying and putting together are so amazing to me.  She is a blessing and I will thank God for her everyday.  Nothing makes me more happy.

It was such a fun weekend.  I hear we are supposed to get more snow tonight.  What's that they say about global warming? : )