Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wood Christmas Party and Makenzie's New Friend

Last weekend was the annual Wood Christmas party.  Thank you Elaine Hock for these pictures.  I love to let you all see what she is up to when she is with Jared also.  Per Jared and Elaine, Makenzie met a new friend, Brianna.  Brianna is Elaine's niece.  Makenzie and Brianna played the whole time together.  Santa Clause came to visit and gave Makenzie a baby doll and an extra set of clothes for the Baby Doll

Makenzie and Brianna

Makenzie Wood Christmas party 2008...                           
                   And 2009

Makenzie and Brianna playing

Aren't they two beautiful girls.  It looks like they were having so much fun together... And you even get a shot of Makenzie plumber butt. ha ha  It is so hard to find pants that fit her.  She is tall for her age.  Her legs and butt are thick, but her waste is small so a lot of times this is what happens. 

Makenzie's new word that she has been using lately is "horwable" (horrible).  "It's so horwable", "It smells so horwable", "that show is horwable"  It is so funny the way she say things ("free" for three).  I am really going to miss it when it is gone.  She will learn how to pronounce things correctly very soon. 

I still have LOTS to add.  Breakfast with Santa, snow pictures, school Christmas play... etc.  I have to admit, this new "insert photo" link has got me SO confused and has become quite annoying.  I am hoping to do this tonight.  B/c then I have Christmas Eve and Christmas to do.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are so cute.
Just like I'm imagining Mackenzie's face when saying something is 'horwable'. Love, Malou.