Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

It is so much fun and bitter sweet to look back over the years and how much Makenzie has grown. Here is Makenzie's 4 years of TG with us...
TG 2006 TG 2007 TG 2008
TG 2009
Time sure does fly! Look how much not only she has grown but how much her hair has grown. For anyone who is thinking there is not hope. : ) We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Oma and Papa's. Oma prepared a fabulous meal. It was so good with Granny's famous gravy and corn pudding. Family favorites!! Makenzie was with us until about 2 pm then Jared picked her up and headed to OC for the weekend to have Thanksgiving with Mimi and Pappy. Makenzie also got to go see Santa Clause while in OC. I don't have a scanner or I would post the picture. It is so cute. I am so glad she sat on Santa's lap this year. Last year Jared and I waited in a LONG line with Bailey and Mandi and Makenzie would have no parts of it.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, as we did, and Happy Holidays.