Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh the Funny Things She Says...

I have a lot of updating to do.  I am having problems downloading pictures.  I need to add pictures from Grandpa's birthday, her Church Christmas play and now Breakfast with Santa on Saturday.  I am hoping to get that all done tonight.  In the mean time, I wanted to share more funny things Makenzie has said...

On Thanksgiving, Mimi said that she was taking the bird out of the oven and Makenzie walked over and asked what it was; Mimi told her it was a Turkey.  She said "Well, did you kill it?"

Yesterday she asked me if she could have some chips; I said "Sure, what kind would you like?"  She said, "Ummmmm, I will take the potatoe kind." 

Lately, within the past few weeks, as SOON as Makenzie gets home from an outing she goes in her room and come back out with her pants off.  Yesterday she did it and a few minutes later asked to put pajama pants on.  I just think it is so comical.  She is ready to relax an be comfy. 

I must tell you also that she is having her first crush.  Jared and I noticed it after her play on Sunday.  She was following this boy around all over the place.  So, I asked Makenzie if she had a boyfriend.  She didn't say anything but looked over toward Tyler Leafly who was sitting next to her.  Jared and I both laughed BUT Jared did not like it.  He isn't ready to start worrying about boys yet.  Though, I don't think Tyler is going to have any interest in a 3 year old, as he is ELEVN YEARS OLD.  Man, she likes older men. ha ha Tyler is very sweet to Makenzie and has taken her "under his wing".  On Saturday I went to take a picture of her while she was at breakfast with Santa.  She was sitting next to Tyler and when she saw me lean in to take a picture of her, she leaned into Tyler so that they could get a picture together. HA HA  Later that afternoon she went in for a hug and Daddy saw it.  He looked at me, concerned and said "Did you see that?  She went in for the hug."  He really isn't liking it.  Its pretty funny to watch.  We arent the only ones who noticed... Aunt Becky said at dinner on Sunday, to me and Oma, "I have noticed Makenzie has a crush.  The older Leafly boy.  He said 'I guess she is going to be following me around today; owell.' And grabbed Makenzie's hand and ran off to play."  See what I mean, he is very sweet to her and protects her like a older brother as she interacts with all the children when at Church. 

Speaking of all the Children at Church, she has become quite popular.  Since the play (having play practice every Wednesday and Sunday for hours since September) she has become really close with Kids of all ages and they really like playing with her, though she is 3.  They get excited when they see her and give her a hug.  They include her in their games and dont treat her like a baby.  It is so sweet and I enjoy watching her play with them.  You would never know she is three.

More pictures to come, hopefully tonight, including her with her new boyfriend.  : )