Thursday, November 10, 2011

School Progress Repoet

Jared and I had our first parent teacher conference on Tuesday. The first thing the teacher started out with was... "You have a really great kid". She went on to say that she assessed all of the kids in the class. She said a score between 60%-85% is right where students should be. Makenzie got a 90%. When we left I looked at Jared and said "it doesn't get much better then that." He said "I almost cried" and I told him "ME TOO!". We are SO proud of Makenzie. She is a wonderful child. We are so blessed and I'm glad others see it to, but how could they not? :)

-Karen Reitz Cooper iPhone


Caleb's mom said...

love it! She has some awesome parents too.

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Awww, that is so awesome! She is a great kid and one smart girl too :)